I write so that I can paint, so that I can speak, so that I can dance, in order to transform.


Storyteller experimenting with mediums of expression

There may be typos' I am dyslexic <3

things written
things spoken


a spoken word joint + interviews


things seen

The pages between my journals are the first place I felt safe to be vulnerable amid life's chaos. Creating worlds that don't exist, dreaming of brighter realities, and growing into womanhood. Before it lands on a canvas, through a microphone, or in a dance, it's a journal note. Then, it gets transformed into poetry or song. I find safety in poetry when I feel misunderstood. Using my voice as an instrument allows me to tap into certain characters & attitudes for play & for a sense of belonging. But when words just aren't enough, these journals transform into paintings, portraits, or dance. I publish my work to foster connection and to heal my own wounds. I hope my work helps other people feel seen & understood.

my art is shadow work